This is a story about 5 guys (read: persons) who went to Lake Toba, North Sumatra, Indonesia, on 16-19 October of 2014. This would be my first (or maybe second) real blog entry about travel, in which, this might ended up sounded like a technical documentation, wiki page or worst like a log file. It all started when Zue stumbled upon a cheap deal AirAsia ticket on early August 2014, and then we all decided “well what the heck”, so we bought that return ticket to Medan (Kuala Namu International Airport, KNO) for MYR 164.80 per head (inclusive of KLIA2 fees, airport tax, fuel surcharge, AirAsia flight insurance and direct debit processing fee); which was a freaking good deal. After 2 months of studying routes, accommodations, point-of-interest and foods, we gambled our wit & wisdom and millions of IDR; here goes.

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